Translation Guide

If you'd like to make a translation of ComicControl, please make use of the list of phrases given here that require translation. In order to have your translation featured on the site, please return this list to us at with translations listed next to each item, along with the name you'd like listed on the site and any social media or personal website links you'd like listed next to your translation. By sending us your translation, you are giving us permission to use and distribute those translations on our website. If you would like to remove your translation from our site, please contact us with your request at

The phrase list below also includes the context of the phrases as they are used in the site to give further clarity. The context information is written in italics. It is not necessary that you translate the context, just the phrase itself.

The "user end" and "administration end" lists are kept in separate files and are used in separate contexts; therefore, if you just want to translate one or the other, that is also helpful.

Phrase list

User end - The below phrases are seen on the user's end when browsing a ComicControl website.

  • There is no comic with this ID. - This is used when a user puts in a URL that doesn't lead to a comic page (i.e. they're trying to go to pages that aren't published yet or pages that were deleted.)
  • There is no news post with this ID. - Same as above, but for news posts.
  • There is no post with this ID. - Same as above, but for blog posts.
  • There are no posts in this blog. - This appears if the user is accessing a blog page that does not yet have a blog entry in it.
  • There are no images in this gallery. - Used for when a user accesses an image gallery that does not yet have any images
  • Posted %d at %t - This phrase is used to display information on when a comic or blog post was published. The %d and %t represent the spaces where the date and time will be inserted, respectively. Please place these according to where the date and time would appear in this phrase in your language.
  • Page %n - for page numbers, i.e. Page 1, Page 2, etc. The "%n is replaced with the page number.
  • Previous - for search navigation; user clicks on this as a link to take them to the previous page of search results
  • Next - Same as above, but for the next page
  • Archive - Title for the comic archive
  • Search - Title for a search results page
  • Tags - for comics tags, i.e. Tags: character name, place name
  • Comics tagged with "%s" - Title of search results page for specific tag; i.e. Comics tagged with "character name". The %s is replaced with the tag being searched
  • Posts tagged with %s - same thing as above, but for blog post searches
  • No results found. - displayed on search pages when no results were found for the search
  • Latest Page - Title for the link to the latest page in the archive.
  • You can read the newest page by going here! - Part of the archive link to go to the latest page. The word "here" is clickable in this context, so please indicate which word should be clicked on in this sentence when translating.
  • Select a page from the drop-down menu to start reading the comic. - Paragraph above a drop-down menu in the archive that lets you select a page to jump to.
  • Or, you can select a chapter to start from: - another paragraph on the archive page above a chapter list.
  • View/Post Comments - Link to view comments
  • Comments - header of comments section
  • Click to view comic transcript - text on a button that lets you view the transcript of a comic if the author has input one.
  • No posts were found with this tag. - Text that appears when a tag is searched for but no results were found.
  • View more posts... - Link to view more posts in a blog, seen after the most recent blog posts.
  • Click to view this page - Instructions seen overlaid on images blurred by a content warning.  The user clicks on the page to see the uncensored version.
  • Select a comic... - Initial text in a dropdown menu containing all the posts in a comic module.

Administration end - The following phrases are seen within the backend for ComicControl and only seen by administrators.

These items are used in the preview bar that appears above a ComicControl site if the user is logged in.

  • PREVIEW - Seen at the top of comic pages when they are not yet published.
  • Add - Button at the top of the page allowing a user to add a post.
  • Return to %s - Button allowing user to return to the module they were working on, with '%s' representing the module title. Please place %s where the module title would appear in your phrase.

These items are used in the left-hand menu.

  • Modules - The title for the modules section.
  • Manage modules... - Goes to the module management section.
  • Image Library - Title for a page where users can upload extra images for use.
  • Templates - The section where users can edit their template.
  • Users - The section where administrators can manage users.
  • Check for Updates - The section where users can update their version of ComicControl. Going here automatically checks for updates, hence the title.
  • Support - This link directs to the ComicControl website support page.
  • Logout - Logs the user out

These are error messages used when users do not have access to certain parts of the ComicControl administration area.

  • You do not have permission to edit this module. - Error message when a user tries to access a module they do not have permissions for.
  • You do not have permission to access this page. - Error message when a user tries to access a page they do not have permissions for.
These are standard language items used to confirm or cancel actions, or activate or deactivate options.

  • Yes
  • No
  • On
  • Off

These phrases are used in the "breadcrumb" string that appears above the current working content that indicates what action the user is taking, e.g. what module they are in and whether they're adding, editing, deleting posts, etc.

  • Home - The title for the home page the user sees when they log in.
  • %s Module - The %s is replaced with either "Text", "Comic", "Blog" or "Gallery" depending on what kind of module the user is in.
  • Add post - Add a post; used for both comics and blogs so "post" should be generic.
  • Edit post - Edit a post, same as above.
  • Manage posts - The title for any page where a user is managing/browsing posts, whether they are comic or blog posts.
  • Delete post - Delete a post page, same as above.
  • Manage storylines - The title for the page where a user can edit/add/rearrange storylines in a comic module.
  • Add storyline - Button/page title for adding a storyline in a comic module.
  • Edit storyline - Same as above but for editing.
  • Rearrange storylines - Title for page to rearrange storylines in a comic module.
  • Delete storyline - Title for the page to delete a storyline in a comic module.
  • Manage module options - Title/button for the module options area for any module.
  • Edit user - Title for user editing page in user management section.
  • Delete user - Title for user deletion page in user management section.
  • Manage modules - Title for module management page.
  • Delete module - Title for module deletion page.
  • Edit image - Title for image edit page in the image library and gallery modules.
  • Delete image - Title for image deletion page in the image library and gallery modules.
  • Rearrange images - Title for the image rearrangement page in a gallery module.
  • Image Library - Title for the image library page, used for uploading miscellaneous media.
  • Site Options - Title for the site options page.
  • Users - Title for the user management page.
  • Check for Updates - Title for the update checking page.

These phrases are used on every options page for every module.

  • Module options - Title for module options page.
  • Module URL - Title for the line where the URL for the module is displayed.
  • Meta description - Input label for the field where the user can input a meta description for the module. This is the text that appears in a search engine, such as Google, when the user searches for the page.
  • This option contains the meta description for this page. If left blank, the default meta description for the site will be used. It is recommended that this field be less than 160 characters, but this field can hold up to 256 characters. - This is a tooltip that describes the information for the meta description field.

These phrases are used as tooltips to give the user more information about what they are inputting in the module options page.

  • This is the title that will be associated with this module. It will be displayed in the tab or window title when the user navigates to this module.
  • This is the template file that will be used to display this module.
  • This option determines the ComicControl-specific language that the module will be displayed in to the user.

These phrases are used on the main comic module page and on the add and edit comic pages.

  • Add another comic post - Button to add another comic post after a user has submitted or edited a different comic post.
  • Edit another comic post - Button to edit another comic post after a user has submitted or edited a different comic post.
  • Add a new comic post - Button to add a new comic post.
  • Edit a different comic post - Button to edit another comic post after a user has submitted or edited a different comic post.
  • Edit - Generic edit button displayed next to a post.
  • Delete - Generic delete button displayed next to a post.
  • Preview - Generic preview button to preview a post.
  • Add a comic post - Button to add a new comic post.
  • Manage comic posts and storylines - Button to go to comic post and storyline management area.
  • Manage options - Button to go to the option management page for the module.
  • Recently published - Header above a section that shows the most recently published comic posts.
  • Publishing soon - Header above a section that shows comic posts that are scheduled to publish soon.
  • Choose file... - Generic button to select a file from computer to upload.
  • Comic info - Header above a series of form inputs in the comic add/edit post page that correspond to the comic post's title, publication date, etc.
  • Comic title - Input label for the field where the user inputs the title of a comic post.
  • Hovertext - Input label for the field where the user inputs any hovertext/alt text for the comic image.
  • Tags - Input label for the field where the user inputs any tags for the comic post.
  • Content warning - Input label for the field where the user inputs any content warning/trigger warning for the comic post.
  • Alternative link - Input label for the field where the user has the option to put an alternative link for the comic post, which the comic image will lead to if this field is filled.
  • Publish date - Input label for the field where the user inputs the date the comic will be published.
  • Publish time - Input label for the field where the user inputs the time the comic will be published.
  • News title - Input label for the field where the user inputs the title of the comic post's associated news post.
  • Storyline - Input label for the drop down field where the user selects the comic post's storyline.
  • News content - Input label for the text field where the user writes the content of the comic post's news.
  • Comic transcript - Input label for the text field where the user inputs a transcript of the comic.
  • Submit comic post - Button to submit the form for a new comic post.
  • There was an error adding your comic post. Please try again. - Error message for any generic error that causes the comic post not to be saved.
  • %s has been successfully added. - Success message for a new post being saved. '%s' is replaced by the title of the post.
  • Return to managing %s - Button to return to the main module page. '%s' is replaced with the module title.
  • Edit %s - Button to edit the recently submitted post. '%s' is replaced with the post title.
  • Preview %s - Button to preview the recently submitted post. '%s' is replaced with the post title.
  • There was an error editing your comic post. Please try again. - Error message for any generic error that causes the edited comic post to not be saved.
  • View current file - Button to view the current image being used for the comic post in the edit comic page.
  • Change file... - Button to change the image being used for the comic post in the edit comic page.
  • %s has been successfully edited. - Success message for an edited post being saved. '%s' is replaced by the title of the post.
  • Edit %s again - Button to return to editing the saved comic post. '%s' is replaced by the title of the post.
  • Submit changes - Button to save changes on the edit post page.
  • Are you sure you want to delete %s? This action cannot be undone. - Generic message confirming the deletion of an item. '%s' is replaced by the item name.
  • %s has been deleted. - Success message for an item being deleted. '%s' is replaced by the name of the item that has been deleted.
  • Top level - Title for the generic 'top level' storyline that all other storylines are nested in (e.g. "Volume 1" and "Volume 2" might be in the "Top Level" storyline).
  • Storylines - Generic title for the storylines being displayed.
  • Pages - Generic title for the comic pages being displayed.

These phrases are used in tooltips to give more information about items users are inputting in the add or edit comic forms.

  • This is the title of your comic post. Your title must have at least one letter or number in order for the page to be saved properly. It is recommended that your page titles are all unique; otherwise, URLs may conflict in certain situations.
  • This text will be displayed when a user hovers their mouse over the comic image. They may also view the hovertext on mobile by tapping on the page if you have selected that option.
  • You may enter tags for your comic post here, separated by commas. If you enter tags, they will be displayed with your news post. Clicking on them will allow users to search comics by tag.
  • You may enter a content warning here if there is sensitive content on your page that you wish to hide until the user agrees to view it. The comic page will only be hidden if this field is filled; if left empty, the page will display normally.
  • You may enter an absolute URL (including beginning http:// or https://) here if you wish the reader to be directed to a special page on clicking the comic image. If left empty, clicking on the comic will move the reader to the next page.
  • The publication date and time of your comic determines the order in which your comics are displayed and whether or not the page is published yet. A page dated in the future will not be displayed to the public. Pages are always displayed in the order in which their publish dates are listed. Note that pages MUST NOT share the same exact time or else one of the pages will not properly show up in the navigation.
  • This is the title of the news post associated with your comic page. This field is optional.
  • This is the content of the news post associated with your comic page. This field is optional.
  • This is the chapter that your comic page will be listed in. If you have not created any chapters, the page will be listed as "uncategorized" when created.
  • You may enter a transcript of your comic page here. It will be displayed with your news post.
  • This will be the name of the storyline. The storyline name must have at least one number or letter character.
  • This will be the parent storyline of the created storyline. If a parent storyline is selected, this storyline will be a sub-storyline of the parent storyline. For example, a chapter can be created with a volume as a parent storyline.

These phrases appear on the pages related to adding, deleting, and otherwise managing storylines.

  • Add a storyline here - Add a sub-storyline to the storyline currently being browsed.
  • Rearrange these storylines - Button to rearrange the sub-storylines in the storyline currently being browsed.
  • Storyline title - Input label for the field where the user inputs the new/edited storyline title.
  • Parent storyline - Input label for the dropdown where the user selects the parent storyline that the current storyline will be nested under.
  • Submit new storyline - Button to submit a new storyline form.
  • No parent storyline - Option in parent storyline dropdown that users can choose if they want the current storyline to be placed in the top storyline level.
  • There was an error adding your storyline. Please try again. - Generic error message for when a storyline was not successfully added.
  • Add another storyline - Button to add another new storyline after submitting or editing a different one.
  • Storyline caption - Input label for the caption describing the storyline.
  • Choose custom thumbnail... - Button to choose a custom thumbnail to represent a storyline.
  • There is currently no custom thumbnail.  The thumbnail of the first page in this chapter will be used as the thumbnail. - Message indicating that there is currently no custom thumbnail selected for the storyline.
  • View current custom thumbnail - Button to show the current custom thumbnail that is set for the storyline.
  • Remove custom thumbnail - Button to remove the current custom thumbnail that is set for the storyline.
  • No storyline was found with this information. - Error message if the user tries to access a storyline that does not exist.
  • NOTE: You cannot make a storyline a sub-storyline of itself. The parent storyline was not changed. - Error message if the user tries to select the current storyline to be its own parent storyline.
  • Edit a different storyline - Button to choose a different storyline to edit. Goes back to the main storyline management page.
  • There was an error editing your storyline. Please try again. - Generic error message for when a storyline was not successfully edited.
  • Sub-storylines will be moved up to this storyline's level. - Warning on deletion of a storyline that any sub-storylines will be moved up a level.
  • Drag and drop storylines to rearrange them. Click "Save Changes" to save the new order. - Instructions on storyline rearrangement page.
  • Your changes have been saved. - Generic success message for changes being saved (usually used for rearranging images or storylines).

These phrases appear on the comic module options page.

  • Page title - Input label for the field where the user inputs the comic module title.
  • Page template - Input label for the field where the user selects the template for the module.
  • Display language - Input label for the field where the user selects the language that the module will be displayed in.
  • Comic display options - Title for the section where options governing how the comic is displayed are found.
  • Maximum comic width - Input label for the field where the user inputs the maximum width that comic images can be in pixels.
  • News display mode - Input label for the field where the user selects the style in which news will be displayed (every post or latest news only).
  • Display tags - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not tags will be displayed in the comic's news post.
  • Each post - Selectable option for if every news post will be displayed, whether it contains content or not.
  • Latest news - Selectable option for if only the most recent news post with content will be displayed.
  • Use transcripts - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not they will use transcripts for their comic posts.
  • Click to view transcript - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not the transcript will be hidden until a button is clicked.
  • Use content warnings - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not they will use content warnings on their comics.
  • Display comments - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not they will have comments on their comic.
  • Comic navigation options - Header for the section in which options governing how comic navigation buttons are displayed are contained.
  • Navigation buttons - Input label for the section where the user selects what navigation buttons will be displayed and in what order.
  • First - Selectable option for displaying the "first" navigation button in the indicated slot.
  • Previous - Selectable option for displaying the "previous" navigation button in the indicated slot.
  • Auxiliary - Selectable option for displaying an auxiliary navigation button in the indicated slot.
  • Next - Selectable option for displaying the "next" navigation button in the indicated slot.
  • Last - Selectable option for displaying the "last" navigation button in the indicated slot.
  • None - Selectable option for displaying no navigation button in the indicated slot.
  • Auxiliary button destination - Input label for the field where the user selects where the auxiliary button will lead to.
  • Comic RSS - Selectable option to point the auxiliary navigation button to the comic's RSS feed.
  • Comic archive - Selectable option to point the auxiliary navigation button to the comic's archive.
  • Action on clicking comic - Input label for the field where the user selects the action that will be performed when a user clicks on the comic image.
  • Advance to next comic - Selectable option to point the comic image link to the next comic in the archive sequence.
  • Enlarge comic - Selectable option to enlarge the comic image if it is clicked.
  • Enlarge comic if oversized - Selectable option to enlarge the comic image if it is larger than the maximum width option and it is clicked.
  • Action on tapping comic - Input label for the field where the user selects the action that will be performed when a user taps a comic image on a mobile device.
  • View hovertext - Selectable option to display the page's hovertext if the comic image is tapped on a mobile device.
  • Arrow key navigation - Input label for the field where the user can activate or deactivate the use of keyboard arrows for navigating a comic.
  • Mobile navigation options - Header for section where options governing how the comic module acts on mobile devices are contained.
  • Maximum thumbnail width - Input label for the field where the user inputs the maximum width for comic thumbnails in the archive.
  • Maximum thumbnail height - Input label for the field where the user inputs the maximum height for comic thumbnails in the archive.
  • Archive options - Header for section where options governing how the comic's archive is displayed are contained.
  • Display chapter thumbnails - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not the first thumbnail for each chapter is displayed in the archive.
  • Display page thumbnails - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not all page thumbnails are displayed in the archive.
  • Display page titles - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not all page titles are displayed in the archive.
  • Your options have been successfully saved! - Success message for saving module options.
  • Search options - Header for the section where options governing how tag search results are displayed are contained.
  • Results per page - Input label for the field where the user inputs how many results are displayed per results page.
  • First button text - Input label for the field where the user inputs the text that will be displayed on the "first" navigation button.
  • Previous button text - Input label for the field where the user inputs the text that will be displayed on the "previous" navigation button.
  • Next button text - Input label for the field where the user inputs the text that will be displayed on the "next" navigation button.
  • Last button text - Input label for the field where the user inputs the text that will be displayed on the "last" navigation button.
  • Auxiliary button text - Input label for the field where the user inputs the text that will be displayed on the auxiliary navigation button.

These phrases are used in tooltips on the comic module options page to give the user more information on the options in the form.

  • This option determines how wide, in pixels, the comic will be saved as. If you upload a high resolution version of your comic, it will be resized down to this for display on your website. If you have the option selected to display an enlarged version of the comic when the page is clicked, the higher resolution, non-resized version of your comic will be displayed.
  • This option determines what news will be displayed with your comic. If you select Each Post, the news post you enter for each comic will be displayed, even if it is empty. If you select Latest News, the latest non-empty news post will be displayed with your comic post.
  • This option determines whether or not tags will be displayed in the news post for your comic. Tags are displayed as a list above the comments section (or at the bottom of the post if comments are disabled). Clicking a tag allows a user to search for comics with the same tag.
  • This option determines whether or not a comic transcript will be displayed in the news post for your comic. If this option is selected, you will be able to input a transcript for your comic pages, and that transcript will be displayed.
  • This option determines whether or not the comic transcript will be hidden in a collapsed section in the news post. If this option is selected, then the comic transcript will be hidden until the user clicks a button to display the transcript. This option is ignored if the display transcript option is off.
  • This option determines whether or not comments are displayed with the news post of a comic page. Comment systems are run and moderated through Disqus, and you must set up a Disqus account in order to use comments.
  • This option allows you to use content warnings on your pages. This will allow you to add content warnings to a page if that page has sensitive content that you wish to hide until the user agrees to view it. If a content warning is added to a page, that page is blurred until the user clicks away the content warning.
  • This option determines where the user will be directed upon clicking the auxiliary navigation button, if you choose to use that. RSS will direct the user to an RSS feed for your comic; Comic Archive will direct the user to the comic's archive page.
  • This option determines what action will be performed when the comic page is clicked. If the Advance to Next Comic option is selected, the user will be directed to the next comic in sequence if they click on the comic page. If the Enlarge Comic option is selected, a lightbox with the higher resolution version of the comic page will be displayed in the browser when the page is clicked.
  • These options dictate the order in which navigation buttons will be displayed for your comic. First advances to the first comic in the section; previous goes back to the previous comic in sequence; next goes to the next comic in sequence; last goes to the latest published comic. Auxiliary means that an auxiliary button will displayed, leading to either an RSS feed or the comic archive based on your choice. None means that no navigation button will be displayed in this slot.
  • This option determines what action will be performed when the comic page is tapped on mobile devices. If View Hovertext is selected, the hovertext for the comic (if there is any) will be displayed over the page. If Advance to Next Comic is selected, the user will be directed to the next comic in sequence.
  • When set to 'On', this option will enable arrow keys to be used to navigate back and forth in the comic.
  • This option determines the maximum width that page thumbnails in your comic archive and comic searches will be.
  • This option determines the maximum height that page thumbnails in your comic archive and comic searches will be.
  • If this option is selected, the thumbnail of the first page of the storyline will appear next to the storyline title in your comic's archive.
  • If this option is selected, thumbnails for every page of the chapter will be displayed below the storyline title in your comic's archive.
  • If this option is selected, the titles of every page of the chapter will be displayed below the storyline title in your comic's archive.
  • This option determines how many results will be displayed per page when you search for comics by tag.
  • This option determines what text will be displayed for the first navigation button. This can be left blank or can include an image tag.
  • This option determines what text will be displayed for the previous navigation button. This can be left blank or can include an image tag.
  • This option determines what text will be displayed for the next navigation button. This can be left blank or can include an image tag.
  • This option determines what text will be displayed for the last navigation button. This can be left blank or can include an image tag.
  • This option determines what text will be displayed for the auxiliary navigation button. This can be left blank or can include an image tag.

These phrases are used on the main blog module page and on the add and edit post pages.

  • Add another blog post - Button to add another new blog post after another one has been saved.
  • Edit another blog post - Button to edit a different blog post after another one has been saved.

These phrases are used in image upload areas, including associated error messages.

  • Change File - Button to change the file used for an image.
  • Add image - Button to add selected image to the content in the WYSIWYG text editor.
  • Processing image... - Status message to display while image is being resized and saved on the server after it has been uploaded.

These phrases are used as error messages in forms.

  • This field must have at least one character.
  • Dates must be in mm/dd/yyyy format.
  • You must upload a file here.
  • This field must be a positive integer.
  • No comic was found with this information. - Displayed when a user attempts to edit or delete a comic post that does not exist.

These phrases are used in the blog module on the main page and add, edit, and delete post pages.

  • Manage blog options - Button leading to blog module options page.
  • Add a blog post - Button to add a blog post.
  • Page %s - Text displaying the current page of blog posts that the user is viewing. '%s' is replaced with the page number.
  • Post title - Input label for the field where the user inputs the title of the blog post.
  • Submit blog post - Button to submit the add/edit blog post form.
  • Post content - Input label for the text area where the user inputs the content of the blog post.
  • There was an error adding your blog post. Please try again. - Generic error message for when the blog post could not be saved.
  • There was an error editing your blog post. Please try again. - Generic error message for when the blog post could not be saved.
  • No blog post was found with this information. - Displayed when a user attempts to edit or delete a blog post that does not exist.

These phrases are used in the blog module options page.

  • Post options - Header for the section where options governing how blog posts are displayed are contained.
  • Posts per page - Input label for the field where the user inputs how many blog posts are displayed per archive page.
  • Archive order - Input label for the field where the user selects in what order blog posts are displayed in the archive.
  • Latest posts first - Selectable option indicating that the newest blog posts will be displayed first in the archive.
  • Oldest posts first - Selectable option indicating that the old blog posts will be displayed first in the archive.

These phrases are used as tooltips on the blog post add and edit pages.

  • This is the title of your blog post. Your title must have at least one letter or number in order for the post to be saved properly. It is recommended that your post titles are all unique; otherwise, URLs may conflict in certain situations.
  • You may enter tags for your blog post here, separated by commas. If you enter tags, they will be displayed with your blog post. Clicking on them will allow users to search blog posts by tag.
  • The publication date and time of your blog post determines the order in which your posts are displayed and whether or not the post is published yet. A post dated in the future will not be displayed to the public. Posts are always displayed in the order in which their publish dates are listed.
  • This is the content of your blog post. This field is optional.

These phrases are used as tooltips on the blog module options page.

  • This option determines the chronological order in which posts in the blog archive will be displayed.
  • This option determines how many posts will be displayed per page in the blog archive.
  • This option determines whether or not tags will be displayed with your blog post. Tags are displayed as a list below the blog post content. Clicking a tag allows a user to search for posts with the same tag.
  • This option determines whether or not comments are displayed with your blog post. Comment systems are run and moderated through Disqus, and you must set up a Disqus account in order to use comments.

These phrases are used on the text module editing page.

  • Editing %s - Title for the page where the user can edit the content of the text module. '%s' is replaced with the module title.
  • Text content - Input label for the text area where the user inputs the content of the text module.
  • There was an error editing your text page. Please try again. - Error message for if the text module content was not saved properly.
  • This is the content that will show up in this text module. - Tooltip for the text area where the user inputs the content of the text module.
  • Return to editing %s - Button to return to editing the text content. '%s' is replaced with the module title.

These phrases are used on the text module options page.

  • Display title - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not the module title will be displayed with the module content.
  • This option determines whether or not the title of the text module will be displayed at the top of the text module content. - Tooltip for the previous item.
  • Text display options - Header for the section where options governing the display of the text module are contained.

These phrases are used on the gallery module pages.

  • Add an image - Button to add a new image to the gallery.
  • Rearrange images - Button to rearrange the images in the gallery.
  • Manage gallery options - Button to go to the gallery module options page.
  • Submit image - Button to submit the form to add or edit an image in a gallery.
  • Image caption - Input label for the text area where the user inputs a caption for a gallery image.
  • Edit gallery description - Button to go to a page where the user can edit the description for the gallery that will be displayed above the gallery images.
  • Your image was successfully added. - Success message for an image being added to the gallery.
  • Add another image - Button displayed upon saving an image to add another image to the gallery.
  • Edit this image - Button displayed upon saving an image to edit the image again.
  • There was an error adding your image. Please try again. - Generic error message if the image was not able to be added to the gallery.
  • Your image was successfully edited. - Success message if an edited image was saved successfully.
  • Edit this image again - Button to edit an image again after saving it.
  • There was an error editing your image. Please try again. - Generic error message if the image was not able to have changes saved.
  • No image was found with this information. - Error if user tries to access an image that no longer exists in the gallery.
  • This image has been deleted. - Message if the user tries to edit or delete an image that does not exist.
  • Are you sure you want to delete this image? This action cannot be undone. - Deletion confirmation message when a user attempts to delete an image in a gallery.
  • Drag and drop images to rearrange them. Click "Save Changes" to save the new order. - Instructions on page where the user can rearrange images in the gallery.
  • There was an error editing your gallery description. Please try again. - Generic error message if changes to the gallery description were not able to be saved.
  • Editing description for %s - Title for page where user can edit the description of a gallery.
  • Use the editor below to edit the gallery description. This description will be displayed above the images in the gallery. - Instructions on the gallery description editing page.

These phrases are used on the gallery module options page.

  • Thumbnail options - Header for the section where options governing the thumbnails in a gallery module are displayed.
  • Thumbnail width - Input label for the field where the user inputs the maximum width of thumbnails in the gallery module.
  • Thumbnail height - Input label for the field where the user inputs the maximum height of thumbnails in the gallery module.
  • Display description - Input label for the field where the user selects whether or not the gallery description will be displayed.
  • This option determines whether or not the description of the gallery will be shown when it is displayed. - Tooltip for the previous item.

These phrases are used in tooltips on the gallery module options page.

  • This option determines whether or not the title of the gallery module will be displayed at the top of the gallery module content.
  • This caption will be shown below your image when the image is clicked on in your gallery.
  • This option determines the maximum width of gallery thumbnails.
  • This option determines the maximum height of gallery thumbnails.

These phrases are used in the image library.

  • Return to managing the image library - Button to return to the main image library page.
  • Add image... - Button to add an image to the image library.

These phrases are used in the site options form.

  • Site title - Input label for the field where the user can input the title of the ComicControl site.
  • Admin language - Input label for the field where the user selects what language the ComicControl backend will be displayed in.
  • Time zone - Input label for the field where the user can select the time zone they would like their site to operate in.
  • Date format - Input label for the field where the user can select the format they would like dates to be displayed in on their site.
  • Time format - Input label for the field where the user can select the format they would like times to be displayed in on their site.
  • Disqus shortname - Input label for the field where the user can input the shortname for the Disqus forum they would like to use for comments.
  • Home page - Input label for the field where the user selects the main module that will be displayed at their site's root URL.
  • .htaccess prepend code - Input label for the field where the user can input text that will be attached to the top of their site's .htaccess file.
  • .htaccess append code - Input label for the field where the user can input text that will be attached to the bottom of their site's .htaccess file.
  • Meta description - Input label for the field where the user can input a default meta description for their site. This is the description text that search engines, such as Google, will display for your site.

These phrases are used in tooltips on the site options form.

  • This is the title for your ComicControl site. This will be displayed in the ComicControl backend and the browser title for your pages.
  • This is the module that will be used as the home page for your ComicControl site.
  • This is the language that the ComicControl administration area will be displayed in.
  • This is the time zone that your site will run in. Blog posts and comic posts will be published according to the time zone you set here.
  • This option determines the format that dates will be displayed in on comic and blog posts.
  • This option determines the format that times will be displayed in on comic and blog posts.
  • This option determines the Disqus shortname that will be used for your comic and blog posts' comment sections. If your Disqus comment forum is at, for example, your Disqus shortname is example-comic.
  • This area contains any code you want to put BEFORE the main .htaccess code that is used for the main folder you place ComicControl in. Use this if there are any special .htaccess directives you need to have in this folder, such as redirects or 404 pages. Leave empty unless you know what you're doing! (No, seriously, you'll completely bork your site.)
  • This area contains any code you want to put AFTER the main .htaccess code that is used for the main folder you place ComicControl in. Use this if there are any special .htaccess directives you need to have in this folder, such as redirects or 404 pages. Leave empty unless you know what you're doing! (No, seriously, you'll completely bork your site.)
  • This option contains the default meta description for your site. This meta description will be used on pages that do not have another specific meta description specified in their options. It is recommended that this field be less than 160 characters, but this field can hold up to 256 characters.

These phrases are used in the module management section.

  • Add a module - Button to add a new module to the site.
  • Module type - Input label for the field where the user selects the type of a new module.
  • Your module has successfully been created with default options. Please check and modify the module's options before adding content to the module. - Success message upon adding a new module.
  • There was no module found with this information. - Error message if a user tries to access a module that does not exist.
  • Return to module management - Button to return to main module management page.
  • Add another module - Button to add another new module after saving one module.

This phrase is used as a tooltip on the module add/edit form.

  • This option determines the type of module that will be associated with this page.

These phrases are used in the user management section.

  • Return to managing users - Button to return main user management page.
  • Add another user - Button to add another new user after saving a different user.
  • Add a user - Button to add a user.
  • Manage Permissions - Button to manage a user's permissions.

These phrases are used on the user add/edit page.

  • Username - Input label for the field where the user inputs a user's username.
  • E-mail - Input label for the field where the user inputs a user's e-mail address.
  • Password - Input label for the field where the user inputs a user's password.
  • Confirm password - Input label for the field where the user re-types a user's password to confirm it.
  • Choose avatar image... - Button text for a button to select an image to use as a user's avatar.
  • User type - Input label for the field where the user selects the user's type, which dictates what permissions they have.
  • Administrator - Selectable option for the user's type; allows user to edit any option or module in ComicControl, as well as users.
  • User - Selectable option for the user's type; allows user to edit any option or module in ComicControl, excepting users.
  • Create user - Button to create new user.
  • Sorry, there is already a user with this e-mail address. Please go back and user a different e-mail address. - Error message if a user tries to create a new user with an existing e-mail in the user database.
  • View current avatar - Button to view the user's current avatar.
  • Hide current avatar - Button to hide the user's current avatar.
  • There was an error editing this user. Please try again. - Generic error message for when the user was not able to be edited.
  • This user has been deleted. - Success message upon deleting a user.
  • Are you sure you want to delete this user? This action cannot be undone. - Confirmation message when a user attempts to delete a user.
  • The username must have at least 4 characters and no more than 32 characters, and must only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. - Error message if the user attempts to use an invalid username.
  • You must enter a valid e-mail here. - Error message if the user attempts to use an invalid e-mail address.
  • The password must have at least 8 characters and no more than 32 characters, and must only contain letters, numbers, and these special characters: ^$*+?.()|{}[]!@#%&;:'" - Error message if the user attempts to use an invalid password.
  • This field must match the entered password. - Error message for the 'confirm password' field if the information entered does not match the password field.
  • This user was successfully added. - Success message upon adding a user.
  • There was an error adding this user. Please try again. - Generic error message if a user was not able to be added.
  • Sorry, there is already a user with this username. Please go back and select a different username. - Error message if a duplicate username is chosen.
  • There is no user with this ID. - Error message if a user attempts to edit or delete a user that does not exist.
  • No user was found with this information. - Error message if a user attempts to edit or delete a user that does not exist.
  • The logged in user cannot delete their own account. - Error message if a user attempts to delete their own account.
  • Editing permissions for the user "%u" - Header on page where an administrator can manage a user's module permissions. '%u' is replaced by the username.
  • The user has permissions for the site modules as follows.  Click "grant" to allow the user access to the module, or "revoke" to disallow the user access to the module. - Instructions on the page to grant or revoke user permissions.
  • Revoke Permissions - Button to revoke permissions for a user to a certain module.
  • Grant Permissions - Button to grant permission for a user to a certain module.
  • This user has been granted permissions to the module "%m". - Success message upon granting a user permission to a module. '%m' is replaced by the module name.
  • This user has had their permissions to the module "%m" revoked. - Success message upon revoking a user's permission to a module. '%m' is replaced by the module name.

These phrases are used in tooltips in the user management section.

  • This is the username that this user will use to log in. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores. Usernames must be at least 4 characters long and no more than 32 characters.
  • This is the e-mail that will be associated with this user. The user can use this e-mail address to reset their password if lost.
  • This is the password that this user will use to log in. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and no more than 32 characters. The password can contain letters, numbers, and these special characters: ^$*+?.()|{}[]!@#%&;:'"
  • ONLY ENTER INFORMATION HERE IF YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE PASSWORD. OTHERWISE, LEAVE THIS FIELD BLANK. This is the password that this user will use to log in. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and no more than 32 characters. The password can contain letters, numbers, and these special characters: ^$*+?.()|{}[]!@#%&;:'"
  • Please retype the password here to confirm it.
  • You can select an image here to use as an avatar for this user. The default size is a 230px square. Images larger than that will be resized.
  • This option determines the user type. Administrators can modify, add, and delete users; regular users can only modify their own user information.

These phrases are used on the login form.

  • Login - Title for the login page.
  • Lost your password? - Button to go to the reset password page.
  • Incorrect login information. Please check your input and try again. - Error message if someone attempts to login with incorrect credentials.

These phrases are used in the password reset area.

  • To reset your password, please type in a new password and confirm it below. - Instructions on the page where a user can input a new password.
  • Reset password - Header on the reset password page.
  • To reset your password, please submit your e-mail address. An e-mail will be sent to your account with a link to reset your password. - Instructions on the initial password reset page.
  • ComicControl - Password Reset Request - Subject for the e-mail that is sent to the user that requested to reset their password.
  • Your Password Reset Request - Header for the e-mail that is sent to the user that requested to reset their password.
  • A password reset has been requested through your ComicControl account. Please visit this link to reset your password: - Body for the e-mail that is sent to the user that requested to reset their password.
  • A password reset e-mail has been sent to your address. Please follow the instructions in the e-mail to reset your password. - Success message upon entering e-mail to reset password.
  • There was an error sending an e-mail to this address. Please try again. - Error message if the user entered an invalid e-mail to request a password reset.
  • Your password has successfully been changed. Click here to return to the login page. - Button to return to the login page after resetting the password.
  • There was an error changing your password. Please go back and try again. - Generic error message if the password was not able to be changed.

These phrases are used in the template editor.

  • Use the editor below to edit the code for your template files. You can also use the dropdown to change to a different template file to edit. - Instructions for the template editor page.
  • Select a template file here to edit a different file. - Title for drop-down field to select a different template file to edit.
  • This template has been successfully saved. - Message upon successfully saving a template file.
  • There was an error saving this template. Please try again. - Generic error message if template file could not be saved.

These phrases are used in the update checker.

  • Your version of ComicControl is up to date! - Message on page if the user's version of ComicControl is determined to be up-to-date.
  • Your version of ComicControl needs updating! Here are change notes for this update: - Message if the user's version needs updating. Change notes for the version are displayed below this text.
  • Please click the button below to update your version of ComicControl. After clicking the button, please do not leave the page until you receive confirmation that ComicControl has been updated. Please be aware that this will overwrite the main ComicControl files. - Warning message before allowing user to update their version of ComicControl.
  • Upgrade ComicControl - Button to confirm version update.

These phrases are used in the plugin section.

  • Plugins - Title for page that displays all plugins.
  • Manage plugins... - Button to go to plugin management page.
  • The following plugins are currently installed: - Text displayed above list of plugins.
  • There are currently no plugins installed. - Text displayed if no plugins are installed.
  • Plugin name - Text displayed above column where plugin names are shown.
  • Plugin description - Text displayed above column where plugin descriptions are shown.
  • To learn about installing and removing plugins, please read the ComicControl documentation. - Text displayed below list of plugins. "ComicControl documentation" is a link, so please indicate in your translation which text this is.

These phrases are used on the home page of the administration area.

  • Your version of ComicControl needs updating! Click here to update your site! - Warning message at the top of the page if an update for their version is found.
  • Welcome to your ComicControl site! Don't know where to begin? Don't worry, we've got you covered.ComicControl allows you to manage your whole comic website, including multiple comics, blogs, galleries, and text pages. If you haven't already, try creating a module to get started. If you've already set up your first comic module, try posting a page! If you're confused about an input, tap or hover over any "?"s you see to get more information about what you're doing. - Introductory paragraph at the top of the page. "creating a module" is a link, so please indicate which text this is in your translation.
  • To learn more about how ComicControl works, check out the ComicControl support page! - Another introductory paragraph at the top of the page. The words "ComicControl support page" is a link, so please indicate which text this is in your translation.
  • Updates from @ComicCtrl - Header above area that shows most recent tweets from the @ComicCtrl account.
  • Scheduled post calendar - Header above an area that shows the most recently published pages and the comic pages that will be published next.
  • Posted - Text next to a page that indicates that the page has already been posted.
  • Scheduled - Text next to page that indicates that the page is scheduled to be posted in the future.

The following phrases are used when the user is installing their copy of ComicControl.

  • Welcome to ComicControl! Let's get started. First, we need some database information. ComicControl requires access to a MySQL database. For information on creating a database for ComicControl, please visit the guide on the support website. - These paragraphs are shown on the first page of the installation process, where the user enters database information for the new site. The words "guide on the support website" will be a link, so please indicate which words these are in your translation.
  • There was an error trying to connect to the database with the provided information. Please try again. - Error message if the user enters non-functional database information.
  • Great. Now that we have a database connection established, we can get started on creating your site. We've filled as much as we can automatically, but we need a little more information to finish creating your new website. - This paragraph is shown on the second page of the installation process, where the user sets the main site options.
  • Awesome! Your site's halfway there. The next thing you'll need is to create an administrative user to manage the site. - This paragraph is shown on the third page of the installation process, where they create the first user for their site.
  • Almost there! To finish your site, you'll need to create your first module. This module will be your homepage to start, but you can change this later in your site options. - This paragraph is shown on the fourth page of the installation process, where they create their first module.
  • Congratulations! You've finished installing ComicControl and you're ready to start managing your new comic website. To log in, simply go to %s. For more help on using ComicControl, check out the ComicControl support page for more info! - Success message for installing ComicControl. '%s' will be replaced with a link to their new backend. "ComicControl support page" will be a link, so please indicate which words these are in your translation.
  • Next - Button to proceed to next step of installation.
  • Database host - Input label for the field where the user inputs the database host information.
  • Database name - Input label for the field where the user inputs the database name information.
  • Database user - Input label for the field where the user inputs the database user information.
  • Database password - Input label for the field where the user inputs the database password.
  • Prefix for tables - Input label for the field where the user inputs the prefix that will be used for the ComicControl tables.
  • Site title - Input label for the field where the user inputs the new site title.
  • Site root - input label for the field where the user inputs the site root URL.
  • Relative path - input label for the field where the user inputs the relative URL that their installation of ComicControl is located at.
  • ComicControl path - input label for the field where the user inputs the path that the comiccontrol/ folder is placed.
  • Administrator language - input label for the field where the user selects the language that the backend will be displayed in.
  • Time zone - input label for the field where the user selects the time zone the site will use.
  • Date format - input label for the field where the user selects the format that dates will be displayed in on their site.
  • Time format - input label for the field where the user selects the format that times will be displayed in on their site.
  • Disqus shortname - input label for the field where the user inputs the shortname of the Disqus forum that they will use for their site's comments.
  • Site description - input label for the field where the user inputs the meta description of their site.
  • Username - input label for the field where the user inputs their new username.
  • E-mail - input label for the field where the user inputs their e-mail address.
  • Password - input label for the field where the user inputs their new password.
  • Confirm your password - input label for the field where the user re-types their password to confirm it.
  • Page title - input label for the field where the user inputs the title of their first module.
  • Module type - input label for the field where the user selects the type of their first module.
  • Display language - input label for the field where the user selects the language that their first module will be displayed in.
  • Page template - input label for the field where the user selects the template file for their first module.

The following phrases are tooltips for the installation process.

  • This prefix must be no more than 7 characters in length, made up of only letters, numbers, and underscores. It cannot be blank.
  • This is the host for your database. It is commonly localhost or, but some shared hosting services have other addresses for their database hosts. Please check with your hosting provider for this information.
  • This is the name of your MySQL database.
  • This is the username for the user that will be connecting to the MySQL database. Please make sure that this user has all permissions for your given database.
  • This is the password for the MySQL user that you have provided.
  • This is a prefix that will be added to your table names in order to make this a unique installation of ComicControl. For example, if your comic is "Example Comic" and you choose the prefix "ec_", your comics table will be named "cc_ec_comics". Please choose a prefix no more than 7 characters in length, made up of only letters, numbers, and underscores. The default setting for this is "main_", but is recommended that you choose a unique prefix if you plan on having multiple installations of ComicControl on the same hosted space.";
  • This is the title of your website. Your site title must include at least one letter or number.
  • This is the base URL that you are installing ComicControl at. For example, if your website is and you are installing ComicControl to the main folder of the site, this URL would be If you were hosting at the same site but in the mycomic/ folder, this URL would still be There must be a forward slash at the end of this variable and the URL must start with http:// or https://. This field has been automatically generated based on the URL of the installation file, so please only change this if the information is incorrect.";
  • This option will only be filled if you are not installing ComicControl in the root folder of your website. For example, if you are installing ComicControl in, this variable should be filled in as mycomic/. There must be a forward slash at the end of this variable. This field has been automatically generated based on the URL of the installation file, so please only change this if the information is incorrect.
  • This will only be changed if you changed the name of the main "comiccontrol" folder. For example, if you changed "comiccontrol" to "cc", this variable would be "cc/". There must be a forward slash at the end of this variable. This field has been automatically generated based on the URL of the installation file, so please only change this if the information is incorrect.
  • This option determines what language the ComicControl administration area will be displayed in. For additional languages, please visit the ComicControl website.
  • This is the time zone that your site will run in. Blog posts and comic posts will be published according to the time zone you set here.
  • This option determines the format that dates will be displayed in on comic and blog posts.
  • This option determines the format that times will be displayed in on comic and blog posts.
  • This option determines the Disqus shortname that will be used for your comic and blog posts' comment sections. If your Disqus comment forum is at, for example, your Disqus shortname is example-comic.
  • This option contains the default meta description for your site. This meta description will be used on pages that do not have another specific meta description specified in their options. It is recommended that this field be less than 160 characters, but this field can hold up to 256 characters.
  • This is the username that this user will use to log in. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores. Usernames must be at least 4 characters long and no more than 32 characters.
  • This is the e-mail that will be associated with this user. The user can use this e-mail address to reset their password if lost.
  • This is the password that this user will use to log in. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and no more than 32 characters. The password can contain letters, numbers, and these special characters: ^$*+?.()|{}[]!@#%&;:'"
  • Please retype the password here to confirm it.
  • This is the title that will be associated with this module. It will be displayed in the tab or window title when the user navigates to this page.
  • This option determines the type of module that will be associated with this page.
  • This option determines the ComicControl-specific language that the page will be displayed in to the user.
  • This is the template file that will be used to display this page.